Why 2023 is the year to visit Mongolia

Why 2023 is the year to visit Mongolia

Editor’s Note: This CNN Travel series is, or was, sponsored by the country it highlights. CNN retains full editorial control over subject matter, reporting and frequency of the articles and videos within the sponsorship, in compliance with our policy. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia CNN  —  Due to its remoteness and short summer season, Mongolia has long been…

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GOP blocks Democratic effort to replace Feinstein on Judiciary panel

GOP blocks Democratic effort to replace Feinstein on Judiciary panel

CNN  —  Republicans on Tuesday formally blocked a request from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to temporarily replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein on the Judiciary Committee, something Democrats hoped to do in order to advance stalled judicial nominations. Senate Democrats are seeking to temporarily replace Feinstein on the powerful panel that processes judicial nominees as the…

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Experimental therapy gantenerumab fails to slow or improve Alzheimer's memory loss in clinical trials

Experimental therapy gantenerumab fails to slow or improve Alzheimer’s memory loss in clinical trials

CNN  —  An experimental treatment, gantenerumab, failed to help people at high risk of memory loss from Alzheimer’s or those who were in the early phases of the disease, the manufacturer said Monday. Gantenerumab is part of a class of injected drugs that are designed to remove sticky protein pieces called beta amyloid from the…

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