The next GOP speaker will face the same traps that doomed McCarthy

The next GOP speaker will face the same traps that doomed McCarthy

CNN  —  Getting rid of Kevin McCarthy didn’t solve anything. Whoever succeeds the former House speaker will need to defuse the hazardous and self-defeating political forces inside the Republican conference that made McCarthy’s tenure, in a job he’d sought for years, so abbreviated. Two candidates, GOP Majority Leader Steve Scalise of Louisiana and Judiciary Chairman…

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Mike Wallace, the face of investigative reporting in America

Mike Wallace, the face of investigative reporting in America

Editor’s Note: Brant Houston holds the Knight Chair of Investigative and Enterprise Reporting at the University of Illinois and is co-author of “The Investigative Reporter’s Handbook.” Story highlights Brant Houston: Mike Wallace, who died Sunday at 93, defined image of hard-charging reporter He says Wallace reflected evolution of investigative reporting over decades Wallace exemplified the…

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